Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Methodology (part of dissertation) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Methodology (part of dissertation) - Essay Example Positivism paradigms and anti-positivism paradigms are the two main paradigms used for verification of theoretical propositions. For this research study the positivism paradigms has been selected because there is an objective reality in positivist paradigm and this procedure of natural sciences can be integrated into the social sciences. Primary research: Primary research involves the usage of primary data for the collection of data. Primary data are that information that is collected for the first time. The primary data is to be collected by conducting field research that involves face to face interviews, surveys, questionnaires and focused group interviews. The survey for this research is to be conducted among the tourists, visitors and officials related to tourism industry. The data collected from these sources are to be analysed in order to draw necessary conclusion for the objectives of the research. Secondary research: Secondary research is the research that is based on the data that already exist or the data that has already been created by someone. The secondary data to be used for this research is the trend of tourism in India in last 5 to 10 years. This will show the difference in tourism in past and present. Inductive approach has been adopted for this research study in order to understand the reality of study. The research design that is selected for the study is an exploratory research design, in order to understanding the things deeply. As explained by Zechmeister et al., (1997, 19) survey research represents a general approach to be used when the research design is implemented. Survey is the procedure of gathering information from respondents thought to be delegate of several populations using an apparatus collected of close structure or open-ended items. It is one of the main leading types of data collection in the social sciences given that for competent collection of data over broad populations, agreeable to

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