Thursday, December 12, 2019

Information Systems for Business Professionals Registered Training

Question: Describe about the Information Systems for Business Professionals for Registered Training. Answer: Introduction Australian Institute of Technology is a private Registered Training Organization known as RTO owned by Wilson Smith and his close family members. This organization is specialises on Information Technology and Courses related to Business Fundamentals. Mr Wilson started this organization in order to utilize his skills and knowledge on Department of Education and training. Wilson expanded his business over many countries as a result of that many clients and students got involved in his organization in order to continue their studies. The RTO added more student within it as the time was getting passed. All the information based on students and other employees working with the RTO were paper based previously. This information was maintained with the help of Excel sheets within organization. Every process and systems with the RTO were manually operated and these functionalities were getting serious as it was becoming time taking and complex to manage huge amount of student data by Excel fi les. Apart from this, Wilson decided to establish their business in Brisbane, which incorporates the need for a well-structured information system that will be connecting their centres in several countries. In contrast with their various needs about establishing new centres in many countries, Wilson appointed one ICT professional who will be recognizing the needs for entire network and will set one. This particular assignment task is reviewing some important literatures that will be helping the ICT professional in recognizing the demands of Information system. According to the case study provided in this case, it is found that Wilson and his wife have decided to expand their business over the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast. In addition to this, they decided to establish a new campus in Brisbane CBD. Though there are situation and opportunities were visible at the first stage of the business expansion, there were many complexities and other worries about the IT set up cost and other importa nt working details for the development and expansion of the business. In addition to these worries about IT set up other IT issues within the organization, there were also other issue that was being highlighted as the important and crucial factors during the establishment of the campuses. Among all of these issues security risks is the most important one. The management of sharable systems across the world without any unnecessary duplication within these system set ups are highlighting another issue that was being highlighted. Ghobakhloo, M. and Tang, S. 2015. Information system success among manufacturing SMEs: case of developing countries.Information Technology for Development, [online] 21:4, pp.573-600. Information system is one of the most important requirements of small and medium scale organizations. This article shows the importance of the of information system within SMEs. SMEs are one crucial element within any country that supplies an effective amount of economic support to the country. Instead of thinking about future-plans SMEs mainly focus on the present scenario due lack of technological support. Information system will be providing them an opportunity to strengthen their core advantages. Backgrounds of the information system in accordance with the demands of SMEs are being elaborated in this literature. Information system can be called as the building block for the establishment of any organization. SME has great importance of the building a good and effective information system that makes the system architecture more advanced and effective with respect to the organization demands. This article is reviewing the process of implementing information system within any SME. T herefore, information system can be considered as one of the mandatory factors of organizational development and growth. This article is chosen in order to highlight the importance of information system in this part of the assignment. The important role played by information system is being elaborated in this article, which will be guiding the ICT professional to design a new information system. In addition to this, it is observed that the information system plays a great role in IS implementation process within any organization. With the help of information system organization can improve their internal as well as their competitive advantages. Information system management is one of the most crucial factors for any SME. Information system is one of the key elements that are used for developing the organizational structure as well as it helps to improve their positioning in the competitive marketplace. These facts are explained in this article. Therefore, this article will be providing a structured approach of information system that guides the AIT in finding their important information system demands. Skoko, H., Buerki, L. and Ceric, A. 2016. Empirical Evaluation of ICT Adoption in Australian SMEs: Systemic Approach. SMEs are adopting information system in order to maintain their competitive advantages for securing their position in the competitive marketplace. ICT professionals as well as SMEs are entirely dependent on information system for maximizing the economic conditions of countries. Social, ethical and environmental aspects must have to be considered in order to maintain effectiveness within any SME. In accordance with that, the SMEs are adopting the ICT advancements with the help of information technology. They are utilizing complex adapting system in order to increase their effectiveness. These ICT improvisations within the Australian SMEs are helping them to grab their target market from various perspectives and also it was providing them increased competitive advantages. This paper is also reviewing the process of enhancing the utilization of information system and information technology in order to increase their competitive advantages. This article is chosen in order to highlight important factor that are used in the information system and this will be helping AIT professionals in understanding their demands with respect to information system. In addition to this, the information system and information technology enhances the business problems of AIT. This aspect influences the ICT professionals to incorporate new technological changes within their organization. Ahmad, M. and Cuenca, R. 2013. Critical successfactorsforERPimplementationinSMEs.Elsevier, pp.104-111. This literature is elaborating about the implementation process ERP within SMEs. Enterprise Resource Planning is one information system that will be regulate every information related issues within the SME. These applications of ERP within SMEs may be payroll system, payment system, and internal communication measures for the organizational members as well as their clients etc. All of these functionalities within the SME needs to develop an information system in order be performed in perfect manner. Therefore, ERP system implementation within SME will be the perfect step for this. This paper is also reviewing the implementation process of Enterprise Resource Planning within the SMEs in order to specify the needs of ERP as an information system within the SME. Information systems have various classifications that are introduced into an organizational structure. ERP is one of these classifications that mandate all the required system architecture and system demands that increase the sy stem architecture as organizational culture. This literature is chosen in order to highlight the importance of ERP within SME as well as AIT. This literature is explaining about critical issues within Implementation of ERP within ERP that will be helping AIT in solving their problems associated with the implementation of new information system. According to the demands of AIT, ERP implementation will be beneficial to meet the demands of the organization. This article will be helping AIT in order to study the ERP implementation process within it and also this paper is reviewing the impact analysis of the ERP implementation process within it. Allahawiah, S., Altarawneh, H. and Alamro, S. 2010. The Internet and Small Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMES) in Jordan.International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 2(4). Internet and intranet are two main key elements for establishing information system within any SME. This article is explaining effectiveness of two technological advancements; these are World Wide Web and internet. These two are most effective one that helped a lot the information system to be incorporated within SMEs and other large-scale organizations. This literature shows high level of researches done on the impact analysis of internet within the SMEs. Information system manages all the operational functionalities within any SME and internet helps to manage these operations through online activities. This article is reviewing about the use of Internet within small scale enterprises in order to increase their effectiveness and compatibility with respect to the evolving system architecture of the SME. Internet is used in this article as the connecting feature that will be joining the significant aspects considered technologically with respect to the demands of SMEs. This article is chosen in order to provide show the impact of internet on AIT. Internet and intranet plays a great role in the success of an information system. Without internet no activities of information system can be done in a proper way. Therefore, internet and intranet is mandatory. Communication plays a great role in connecting the various parts of any SMEs. This article is showing the utilization of internet within the small scale industries for building strong internal structure within it. Internet and Intranet are two potential factors that are involved within any kind of information system. Therefore, these are very important for making any system architecture perfect and effective with respect to various technical demands. AIT needs to incorporate this kind of information system within their organizational structure; therefore this article is can be helpful to AIT for analysing the functionality of the Internet and Intranet within their organization. Hornstein, H. 2013. The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity.International Journal of Project Management, pp.291-298. Change Management is one of the most effective and important aspect to be considered by the organization in order to have proper growth in the competitive market. This literature is explaining the importance of change management within SMEs. Organizational change management is a supportive factor that ensures the development of any organization. Every member within any organization must consider such a project leader who can easily tackle the members of the organization who shows resistant nature towards change of system. They should encourage them and show them the benefits of those changes. This article is elaborating all of these aspects. The importance of Change management within a SME is clearly highlighted in this article. How this change management can be implemented within the system architecture of any SME is also elaborated within this article. AIT is incorporating one new information system within their organization, so there must be some issues related to change management. Therefore, this article will be helping AIT to recognize particular steps for change management activities. In contrast with the demands and other necessity of AIT information system implementation is very necessary step for it. Therefore, the AIT will face change management within their organizational structure and this article will be guiding the organization in achieving success in implementing a new information system within their organization with respect to their internal demands. Therefore, the change management scheme needs to be incorporated within the system architecture of the AIT. The information system that is being implemented within AIT needs the support of each employee within the organization. Without this support the organization cannot implement the information system within any organization. This article will be helpful for AIT to a nalyse the impact of Change management that will be supporting all the changes and also encourage the employees to mandate their decisions towards new implementation of information system. Halawi, L. and McCarthy, R. 2016. Evaluation of Ethical Issues in the Knowledge Age: An Exploratory Study.Issues in Information Systems, 14(1), pp.106-112. Ethical concern is mandatory in to care for the after effects of the implementation of information system within any organization. Information system introduces so many issues that are ethically not correct, sometimes information system harm the ethical rights of the users. Therefore, in order to resolve these issues evaluation of ethical concern must be there within any organizational structure. Before implementing any information system within the organization, its ethical concern must be checked and evaluated with respect to organizational need and demands. Ethical perception within implementation of information is elaborated with respect to some particular variable within this literature. These variables are dependent on various aspects within organization. Ethical concern is an important factor to be concerned in order to increase system effectiveness. This article is explaining the importance of ethical concern within any SME. Impact analyses of ethical issues are also describe d in this article. Any information system includes various kinds of ethical issues within the system architecture of the organization. These consequences are discussed in this article. This article is chosen in order to highlight the ethical concern resulted by the implementation of information system within any SME. AIT is a SME that need to consider the ethical impact of information system within the organization. All the issues are being discussed in this article for making the AIT stronger in evaluating the ethical impact of its information system. The implementation of new information system within AIT involves ethical challenges within the organization that needs to be resolved in order to increase effectiveness. Therefore, AIT will get guidance from the above article that will be providing them proper structure of resolving techniques o ethical issues within the SMEs. Ethical issues are very important aspect that needs to be considered before implementing any kind of information system within AIT or any other SMEs. This article is providing a detailed review about ethical issues and their resolution process which will be helpful in solving problems being evo lved within AIT.

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